Enumerating WP Target by using wpscan, joomscan and theHarvester

So last week we had an exercise to try enumerate wp1.pentest.id and jo1.pentest.id. From what I learned, WPScan is used to find vulnerabilities for CMS WordPress. Moreover, it could also find a list of plugins and themes that were used by the target. As well as Joomscan, it is used to find vulnerabilities, but it is especially for a website that used CMS Joomla.

WPscan wp1.pentest.id

WPscan jo1.pentest.id

From using wpscan command,  I could scan vulnerabilities from pentest.id or other any website that based on CMS WordPress.

theharvester pentest.id

Another command that I used is theharvester. With it, we could gather the emails, the hosts, the open ports and banners from a specific website through different public sources like search engines.